Book chapters
Book chapters
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-7488-8996
Book chapters
Allen, A. A. (2024). “Exploring resistance and acceptance at the threshold of the future: Speculative fiction and our desires.” In K. Gallagher & C. Balt (Eds.) Global Climate Education and Its Discontents: Using Drama to Forge a New Way. London: Routledge.​
Gallagher, B., Allen, A. A., & Simon, R. (2023). “Teachers of Writing Also Write: Insights from the Toronto Writing Project.” In A. Goodwyn, J. Manuel, R. Roberts, L. Scherff, W. Sawyer, & D. Zancanella (Eds.) International Perspectives on English Teacher Development From Initial Teacher Education to Highly Accomplished Professional. London: Routledge.
Simon, R., Gallagher, B., Walkland, T., Allen, A. A., Friesen, D., Evis, S., & Kalan, A., with youth from the Addressing Injustices Project: Matthew Burbidge, Nora Farrell, Julian Hetman, Marley Hosang, Talia Morais, Veronica Parks, Emily Raposo, Lucas Sanchez, Rami Simon, Griffin Stewart-Wilson. (2023). “’We can’t ever let this happen again’: Addressing anti-Semitism through arts-based inquiry.” In V. Stead (Ed.), Confronting Anti-Semitism on Campus. New York: Peter Lang.
Refereed journal articles
Gallagher, K., Allen, A. A., & Balt, C. (2024). “Harnessing speculative fiction to reimagine and rewrite our relationships to the climate crisis and the future of our local environments.” Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569783.2024.2312193​
Allen, A. A., & Simon, R. (2021). “Unsettling a Canonical Text through Erasure Poetry.” English Journal. 110(5), 43-49. https://doi.org/10.58680/ej202131226
Refereed conference presentations
Allen, A. A. (2025, June 1-4). A Community of Teachers Investigate and Define Practices of Care in Their Teaching and Personal Lives Through Vulnerable Conversation and Poetry Reading and Writing. [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Toronto, ON.
Simon, R., Edwards, W., Allen, A. A., Chinenye Emelife, J., Taylor Charland, J., Arasin, M., & Rosenbaum, S. (2025, June 1-4). “I remember hearing my son's heartbeat the very first time”: Academic upgrading students map their histories and dreams for their futures through photovoice. [Panel presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Toronto, ON.
Allen, A. A. (2024, December 4-7). Teachers Use Care to Repair Their Lives, Pedagogies, and Curricula: Defining and Circumnavigating Care in Community. [Paper presentation]. Literacy Research Association (LRA). Atlanta, GA.
Allen, A. A. (2024, November 21-24). Teachers powerfully use speculative fiction to center desires. In Sustaining Our Commitments to Social Justice Teacher Education in Community: ELATE Commission on Social Justice Roundtable Conversations. [Roundtable presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Boston, MA.
Allen, A. A. (2024, November 21-24). Mobilizing Native and Indigenous YAL to learn about Indigenous land and peoples’ past, present, and future: Finding love and/in solidary. In Current Conversations About Young Adult Literature in the Classroom. [Roundtable presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Boston, MA.
Allen, A. A. (2024, October 17-19). Poetry as Care-full Community Praxis. In Break, rest, build – poetic measures of care and creation. [Paper presentation]. The Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP). The Graduate School of the City University of New York (CUNY), Park Avenue Armory, and Hunter College. New York, NY.
Allen, A. A. (2024, June 13-16). Teachers in Community Centre Care: An Exploration of Personal and Pedagogical Entanglements of Desire. In Thoughts on Tangible Transformation: Humanizing Learning Spaces through Arts-Based Collaborative Inquiry. [Symposium presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). Montréal, QC. (Presentation cancelled due to labour disruption).
Allen, A. A. (2024, April 11-14). Fostering Community and Self Care Practices Through Centring Teacher Desires: Navigating a Pedagogical and Curricular Pivot in Education Post-2020. In Drugs, Poetry, Music, and Care: Illuminating While Reimagining Possibilities Using Collaborative Practitioner Inquiry. [Symposium presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Philadelphia, PA.
Allen, A. A. (2023, November 29-December 2). Middle and High School Teachers Investigate Care in Community: Pedagogical and Curricular Implications. [Paper presentation]. Literacy Research Association (LRA). Atlanta, GA.
Tinch, K; King, S; Allen, A. A.; Medeiros, J; Lee-Parikh, J; Bass, B; Ashlock, J; & Marroquin, C. (2023, November 16-19) Open Educational Resources (OER) in the Classroom. [Session presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Columbus, OH.
Allen, A. A. (2023, July 6-9). High School Teachers Investigate Care in Their Curriculum and Pedagogy. [Paper presentation]. English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE). Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA.
Allen, A. A. (2023, July 6-9). The Climate Crisis: A Reimagining of Our Future. [Creative workshop]. English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE). Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA.
Gallagher, K.; Balt, C.; Cardwell, N.; Tripathi, M.; Allen, A. A.; & Kirsh, C. (2023, February 9-11). Audacious Citizenship in Times of Crisis: Imagining Global Socio-Ecological Justice. [Organized panel]. Festival of Original Theatre (FOOT). University of Toronto; Toronto, ON.
Allen, A. A.; Friesen, D. (2022, October 27-29). Remix Workshops: High School Teachers Imagine Different Ways of Being [Paper presentation and Creative workshop]. Universities Art Association of Canada/ l’Association d’Art des Universités du Canada (UAAC/ AAUC). Toronto, ON.
Gallagher, K.; Balt, C.; Cardwell, N.; Tripathi, M.; Allen, A. A.; & Kirsh, C. (2022, June 24-26). A Land Acknowledgement for the Future: Storytelling, Desire, Ecologies [Organized panel]. Children, Youth and Performance Conference at Young People’s Theatre. (Virtual conference).
Allen, A. A.; Friesen, D. (2022, May 26-29). Remix workshops: A community of high school teachers listen and write their way to intentional presence and dream potential futures [Paper presentation]. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research. Simon Fraser University; Vancouver, BC.
Gallagher, B; Allen, A. A. (2022, May 14-20). Inquiring into the Possibilities of Creative Writing with Teachers in Community [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). (Virtual conference).
Simon, R.; Gallagher, B.; Allen, A. A.; Owis, B.; Walkland, T.; Friesen, D.; & Cavanaugh, L. (2021, December 1-4). Contrapuntal Perspectives and Methodological Dilemmas in Critical Literacy Research: Reflections from Participants in a Multiyear Participatory Research Project [Paper presentation]. Literacy Research Association (LRA). Atlanta, GA.
Simon, R.; Gallagher, B.; Allen, A. A.; Owis, B.; Walkland, T.; & Friesen, D. (2021, April 8-12). Reflecting on Ethical Considerations and Methodological Dilemmas Within a Multi-Year Participatory Action Research Project [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA). (Virtual conference).
Gallagher, B.; Allen, A. (2020, November 19-22). Collaborative Poetry Workshops at the Toronto Writing Project [Paper presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention (NCTE). Denver, CO. (Virtual conference).
Allen, A. & Simon, R. (2020, April 17-21). Investigating Censorship and Creative Resistance Through Writing Poetry [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, CA. (Conference Cancelled due to COVID-19).
Gallagher, B.; Allen, A. (2020, February 21-22). The Toronto Writing Project: Collaborative Creative Writing with Educators [Paper presentation]. Ethnography in Education Research Forum. Center for Urban Ethnography at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education; Philadelphia, PA.
Simon, R.; Walkland, T.; Gallagher, B.; Allen, A.; Friesen, D; Appleman, D.; & Ghiso, M. (2020, February 21-22). Addressing Injustices Through Collaborative Inquiry: Reflections on Working Together to Read the Word and Remake the World [Symposium presentation]. Ethnography in Education Research Forum. Center for Urban Ethnography at University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education; Philadelphia, PA.
Simon, R.; Walkland, T.; Allen, A.; Gallagher, B.; Friesen, D. (2019, December 4-7). (Re)storying Canonical Texts: Youths’ Critical Art-Making Practices and Productively Disruptive Interpretations of Fahrenheit 451 [Paper presentation]. Literacy Research Association (LRA). Tampa, FL.
Simon, R.; Evis, S.; Walkland, T.; Gallagher, B.; Allen, A.; Friesen, D.; with 19 youth from the Addressing Injustices Project (2019, April 5-9). Free 451: Collaborative Teacher Research through Arts-Based Inquiry [Session presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Toronto, ON.
Web-based publications
Allen, A. A. (2023, September). Ashleigh Allen: Why I Write. Teach Write Now. National Writing Project.
Walkland, T. (Host). (2022, April 4). Building Community with Ashleigh A. Allen and Ben Gallagher (No. 2). [Audio podcast episode]. Teaching Writers Speak. Toronto Writing Project.
Allen, A. A. (2021, December 1). Addressing Injustices: A Conversation with Sarah Evis (Part 2). Addressing Injustices.
Allen, A. A. (2021, November 15). Addressing Injustices: A Conversation with Sarah Evis (Part 1). Addressing Injustices.
Allen, A. A. (2021, June 17). Gender is Like an Ocean: Pride 2021. Addressing Injustices.
Allen, A. A. (2021, April 6). National poetry month. Addressing Injustices.
Allen, A. A. (2020, November 12). Remix poetry. Addressing Injustices.